Applying to Creative Writing MFA Programs
Something I discovered junior year was that graduate programs in creative writing exist. At my current university, there isn’t even a graduate program in English, and no undergraduate major in creative writing at all, only a minor. This has never…
I’m a Dabbler When it Comes to Writing
This semester, I have been dabbling in different forms of creative writing. My usual focus is fiction, and I tend to drill my thoughts on creative writing so deeply into the framework of fiction that I often don’t consider the…
Establishing Boundaries in Writing Workshops
Hello blogosphere! Sorry I have been MIA as of late – this semester has been kicking my butt, for lack of a better phrase. I have been writing and typing like mad lately, finishing stories for my classes and publishing…
Pretending: the Job of a Writer
When I was younger, my sister and our friends would constantly play in a world of make believe. We always had a flare for the dramatic, and liked to pretend we were orphans in the twentieth-century on a ship sailing…
Writing While Overwhelmed
How about this title? This is how I feel right now. I am slightly (okay, maybe very) overwhelmed with life at the moment. I like writing. I love writing, but with the start of the semester I have been falling…
What Point of View to Use?
I, you, he, she. The dilemma of which pronouns to use when writing is much, much, more difficult than I anticipated. When I first set out to write my book, I thought it would be in first person. It’s based…
Notes from a Perpetual Procrastinator
This post might as well be called “The Story of My Life.” As I type this (something that I have put off for several days now) I am putting off writing the book as well as writing an essay for…
Comparison: Death to the Writer?
I feel like I’ve heard somewhere that comparison is the death of the artist. If I haven’t heard it somewhere, then apparently I’m more creative than I thought. Comparing oneself to others is detrimental to one’s wellbeing – whether that…
Diving Into the Writing Process
I have been immersed in the writing process for the last few weeks. Not only have I been focusing on the process to take for writing my book, but also on the process for writing effective essays in my summer…
Faith and Writing
“Wherever you lead me, I know you won’t leave me. Wherever you call me, you will make away. Wherever we’re going – I will keep holding to the promise you have made: you will make a way.” Sometimes doubts and…