Addey Vaters: Biography
What makes up a person? Too many things to count, but here are some of those uncountable things.
Although I said in my subtitle that there are too many things that make up a person to count, I am going to count a few things here. That is, perhaps, the first thing about me: I am, at times, a walking contradiction.
The second thing, then, is that I like to write. Obviously, since I am writing this, and since I have written numerous articles about writing. I like writing and talking about the written word — writers and readers are truly magical.
A third thing on the list about myself is that I like connectedness. As I mentioned in my last point (see? connectivity…) I like to talk about writing. I have a podcast where I do just that, borrowed solace: the podcast.
In addition to the podcast, there is the literary journal that started it all, borrowed solace, of which I am co-founder and poetry editor. It’s a wonderful way to stay connected with my best friends, who are the other editors, and is also, I guess, the fourth thing about me.
Now for number five. My last name is pronounced like Darth Vader with an ‘s’ at the end, but no, we are not related. I spent much of my adolescence explaining myself and my last name to teachers who never grew out of their Star Wars phase and friends who were just starting their own journey to a galaxy far, far away…
I have two cats who are, for all intents and purposes, the happiest parts of my days (aside from when they attack the window blinds or pounce on my toes before the crack of dawn.) So they are numbers six and seven.
Number eight is not a fun fact, but a badge I have learned to wear with honor — my longest wait for a response from a literary journal was unfortunately in the ballpark of two years. And it was a rejection. I have learned to be very good at living with rejection, as we all must learn to be as writers (is that number nine? Let’s call it number nine.)
And, finally, number ten: I am a romance novelist in progress. A girl with an English degree and an overly critical eye who somehow loves Hallmark movies and has endeavored to create her own version in book form. I consumed more literary fiction than I ever cared to for four years straight, but that does not mean cheesy romance is lost on me. Bring it on, friends.
So there they are — ten things out of the innumerable bits and bobs that make up Addey Vaters. Thanks for sticking with me. Maybe future me will reveal a few more of the things on the list one word, and one article, at a time.