We Need to Do Better with Simultaneous Submissions
And by we, I mean all of us as writers, because small presses, journals, and magazines deserve better To date, my most viewed story is “An Editor’s Tips on Submitting to Literary Journals.” The people of Medium seem to like…
Should You Use a Pen Name?
The answer is yes, and also no Up until I met my writing friend, Nicole, the thought of using a pen name literally never crossed my mind. I like my actual name and don’t plan on writing anything scandalous during…
How to Leave Breadcrumbs in Your Story
Foreshadowing is an artform you should learn to master if you want to be a successful writer When you read the title of this article, what do you envision? For many, it probably brings images of a “Hansel and Gretel” movie…
How to Utilize Paragraph Structure in Your Writing
The smallest details can have the biggest impact on your readers If you’re a writer, you’re probably used to thinking long and hard about everything you put into a story. If you’re like me, you probably spend hours upon hours…
Writing When You Don’t Want to Write
Sometimes even doing the thing you love seems like an impossible task. I love writing. If you’ve read any of my articles or found out anything about me on the internet, you’d know that. Writing is something that’s always been…
How to Get Your Writing in Every Day
Writing can sometimes seem daunting, but if you keep at it every day you will succeed Talk to any established writer and they’ll likely all tell you versions of the same thing —to write successfully, you have to write. I’ve…
So You Want to Be a Poet
You can do it! But maybe do these things first… So you want to be a poet. You have decided that you’re going to become the next great Instagram poet and land a lucrative book deal. You want to bring…
Over, Under, Through, Around: Narrative in Creative Nonfiction
“Narrative is one of the best intoxicants or tranquilizers.” ― A.S. Byatt Sitting on a hard plastic chair in a windowless classroom below the Osborne Center on my college campus, I watched as my creative writing professor went around the…
Are You a Pantser or a Planner?
When I was new to writing, I often didn’t know what I was doing. I spent the valuable (and few) minutes I had every day to devote to writing just floating around in a sea of words. There was often…
What Makes a Good Poem?
When you think of poetry, your mind might go to the classics. Perhaps to Homer’s The Odyssey or to Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales — both epic stories told in meter and reflected in the tropes of modern storytelling still used today. Or maybe when you…