Growth Isn’t Always Easy
I, like most people, went through several growth spurts during middle school. For most of my life I’ve been taller than the majority of kids my age, so these spurts were unwelcome. I was more mature than many my age,…
The Life of a Writer is a Life of Rejection
This is a post I never published from spring 2017, yet is particularly poignant after a slew of another type of rejections recently… I’ve been meaning to write something about rejection for a while. The thing is, I find this…
Writing After You Get That Degree
Or, alternatively, things I wish someone would have told me. You will most likely forget to write. I know it seems impossible while you are in college immersed in writing everything from research papers to your weekly calendar, but you…
The Circle of Life (and Writing)
If you read the title to this post and instantaneously thought of The Lion King, know that this was the goal. Well, that and some other things that I’m planning to address in the coming paragraphs, but it is my sincerest…
Fighting Distraction While Writing
Sometimes, I find that distraction can be a good thing. At this moment in my life, I am slogging through the last semester of my undergraduate degree and impatiently waiting to hear back about whether or not I have gotten…
Vulnerability and Armor and Words in Creative Nonfiction
It takes a lot to be vulnerable. To lay your thoughts and feelings out in the open and truly let others see your inner workings is momentous. Sometimes vulnerability is seen as something negative and something to hide. We are…
I’m a Dabbler When it Comes to Writing
This semester, I have been dabbling in different forms of creative writing. My usual focus is fiction, and I tend to drill my thoughts on creative writing so deeply into the framework of fiction that I often don’t consider the…
Writing While Overwhelmed
How about this title? This is how I feel right now. I am slightly (okay, maybe very) overwhelmed with life at the moment. I like writing. I love writing, but with the start of the semester I have been falling…
What Point of View to Use?
I, you, he, she. The dilemma of which pronouns to use when writing is much, much, more difficult than I anticipated. When I first set out to write my book, I thought it would be in first person. It’s based…
Comparison: Death to the Writer?
I feel like I’ve heard somewhere that comparison is the death of the artist. If I haven’t heard it somewhere, then apparently I’m more creative than I thought. Comparing oneself to others is detrimental to one’s wellbeing – whether that…