Finding Motivation to Write
I’ve been trying to develop a plan of some sort for writing my novel since school got out. I was feeling so extremely motivated to get this thing truly started, and subsequently finished, after attending the Pike’s Peak Writers Conference (PPWC) but after the spring semester ended I was truly on my own, and my motivation wavered. Since the middle of May I’ve been in a slump, I guess you could say. I’ve been writing – here and for Odyssey – but that was all. I have a short story that I have been working on for almost a year at this point that I vowed to finish this summer, but it’s on a somewhat tricky topic and I may not end up finishing it ever… But I was using finishing that story as an excuse to put of writing the novel. That was a stupid idea, as I have come to realize in the past couple of days.
During the school year I am surrounded by people who inspire me to write more. I am in classes where writing is the main goal and I’m involved in the writing club where virtually all we do is talk about writing. I think I have taken this for granted, but now I realize the value of having a group of people to go to with any and all writing concerns.
I didn’t realize how significant this was, or how much of a slump I was in, until a couple of days ago. I was on Facebook and saw one of the members of said writing club posting an update on their novel’s progress. They are doing extraordinarily well in getting to their goal of 120,000 words, and their post maid me realize that I am not doing so well. It reminded me to reach out to everyone in the club about getting together over the summer, and also started some conversations about writing that proved very beneficial to me. It’s motivating to see others that you know doing well in their writing endeavors, and really makes me want to have some progress to show for myself as well. Talking to others who reside within the writing community is so incredibly helpful. It’s inspiring. It’s motivating. It gave me the kick in the butt I need to really get going on my novel.
I can say, too, that as of today I seem to be crawling out of the slump. It may be a bit soon to know for sure, but I’m already gaining more ground in the last couple of days than I have in the last couple of months. I’m starting to put that “90 Days to a Novel” seminar that I went to at PPWC to use, and so far it’s working. I have a synopsis for the book almost completely finished and an even better idea of what will happen throughout the novel, which is much more than could have been said for me a couple of weeks ago. I guess the ultimate point of this post is to say that if you’re stuck, find someone to talk to. Call up that friend you met at a conference or an old professor who always helped you out and talk about what they are writing. Hearing what others are doing may just help you, and hopefully one day when they call you up the progress you are making will inspire them. It’s all about finding motivation – so go out and find it!