Am I a Writing Failure?
Sometimes I feel like a failure. Last week would be one of those weeks. Not only did I fail on the new blog venture, but I failed at some other things. Like going to scheduled meetings, turning in assignments on time, and this little thing called writing. I came back from the Pikes Peak Writers Conference (post to come) feeling uber motivated and excited to start writing more – here, there, and everywhere – and then proceeded to to write nowhere. It’s been a crazy few weeks and lots has happened, but this doesn’t mean that I should stop writing. I must keep the motivation going so that I can really get somewhere with my first novel!
There’s so much to juggle right now with the end of the semester finally approaching (hallelujah) and the realization that I will be graduating sooner than anticipated (again, hallelujah but also complete terror) that it’s tempting to put writing on the back burner. I need to be conscious, though, of the fact that this is not actually going to help anything. If I want to become a writer, I need to write. I need to put everything else aside and get some words on the page because a writer is nothing without words.
So for now, I will get the words out into the world here on this dinky little blog. In the future, I’ll get the words out in a published book (fingers crossed).