Fighting Distraction While Writing
Sometimes, I find that distraction can be a good thing. At this moment in my life, I am slogging through the last semester of my undergraduate degree and impatiently waiting to hear back about whether or not I have gotten…
Vulnerability and Armor and Words in Creative Nonfiction
It takes a lot to be vulnerable. To lay your thoughts and feelings out in the open and truly let others see your inner workings is momentous. Sometimes vulnerability is seen as something negative and something to hide. We are…
Applying to Creative Writing MFA Programs
Something I discovered junior year was that graduate programs in creative writing exist. At my current university, there isn’t even a graduate program in English, and no undergraduate major in creative writing at all, only a minor. This has never…
Establishing Boundaries in Writing Workshops
Hello blogosphere! Sorry I have been MIA as of late – this semester has been kicking my butt, for lack of a better phrase. I have been writing and typing like mad lately, finishing stories for my classes and publishing…
Pretending: the Job of a Writer
When I was younger, my sister and our friends would constantly play in a world of make believe. We always had a flare for the dramatic, and liked to pretend we were orphans in the twentieth-century on a ship sailing…
Writing While Overwhelmed
How about this title? This is how I feel right now. I am slightly (okay, maybe very) overwhelmed with life at the moment. I like writing. I love writing, but with the start of the semester I have been falling…
Notes from a Perpetual Procrastinator
This post might as well be called “The Story of My Life.” As I type this (something that I have put off for several days now) I am putting off writing the book as well as writing an essay for…
Faith and Writing
“Wherever you lead me, I know you won’t leave me. Wherever you call me, you will make away. Wherever we’re going – I will keep holding to the promise you have made: you will make a way.” Sometimes doubts and…
Finding Motivation to Write
I’ve been trying to develop a plan of some sort for writing my novel since school got out. I was feeling so extremely motivated to get this thing truly started, and subsequently finished, after attending the Pike’s Peak Writers Conference…
Writing Consistently is Key
Last week was the first week that I failed to write a post. I went from a published piece on Thursday to this new piece on Sunday, with nothing in between. Although I certainly have not been on this little…