The Art of the Close Read
Being an intelligent content consumer depends on the art of the close read. It’s not just useful in your college literature class anymore. I’ll never forget the day one of my English professors in college introduced me to the (extremely)…
How I Got Back Into Reading After a Years-Long Break
Some ways to re-ignite (or spark) your reading habits. I studied literature in college. Yep — you read that right! For anyone who loves reading like I did growing up, studying literature sounds like an absolute dream. I spent my…
Why You Should Read Stories You Hate
There is valuable writing information to be gleaned from even those stories that you can’t wait to put down. We’ve all been there — settling in for a relaxing evening with a cup of tea ready to read the latest…
Am I a Writing Failure?
Sometimes I feel like a failure. Last week would be one of those weeks. Not only did I fail on the new blog venture, but I failed at some other things. Like going to scheduled meetings, turning in assignments…
The Writing Journey of a Thousand Miles Starts With a Single Step
And so it begins. This writing journey that I’m starting on will be bumpy I’m sure, crazy at times for certain, and hopefully one for the books. I want to be a writer, and have goals of having a published…