How to Manage Freelance Writing and Working Full-Time
This isn’t one of those articles that will tell you to quit your full-time job, I promise As a writer who’s finally gotten into freelancing and is actually being paid for her writing (which, I must tell you, was much…
I Tested Out Paid Beta Readers So You Don’t Have To
To beta read, or not to beta read, that is the question Oh, beta readers. If you’re a writer in the midst of writing and editing a novel, you’re probably quite familiar with the term. It’s the idea that you…
An Unpopular Poetry Opinion
Poetry is not fiction, so don’t treat the two forms the same. I read a decent amount of poetry. My love for this creative form of writing started in high school and has only blossomed since my teenage years. In…
The Key to Successful Journaling Is Not Following Any Rules
I finally started using the plethora of journals I’d gathered over the years when I let myself write whatever I want. I don’t know about you, but I’ve seen my fair share of articles about journaling on Medium and elsewhere…
Dolly Parton
A memory. My parents took us on a trip to the Las Vegas of Tennessee — Gatlinburg — on another occasion. We had to drive a mere four hours this time. Piece. Of. Cake. We went to Gatlinburg. We stayed in a…
The Ins and Outs of Book Pitch Events
Is pitching your novel — online or in-person — a worthwhile endeavor? If you’ve written a novel, you’re probably familiar with something that all writers dread: the pitch. Summing up a novel you’ve spent countless hours revising, proofreading, and developing…
How to Keep Your Friendships Intact When Starting a Business
Microsoft, Apple, and Google were all founded by friends so it can be done, but there’s a right way to do it In 2017, my college friends and I were set to graduate and go our separate ways. The end…
I Had My First Viral Story Ever
…and it wasn’t on Medium I finally know the feeling of having an article go viral on the world wide web!The article in question didn’t go viral on Medium, however, it went viral on the oft-written about local news site,…
Why Not Writing is the Best Way to Ultimately Write
Sometimes taking a break from writing is the only way to actually end up writing. We all have those moments — seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks that slip by without a single word coming to mind. I’ve had stretches…
The Art of the Flashback
Flashbacks in your story can be useless, or they can be an incredible way to add characterization or further your plot. The choice is up to you. Do you know something that bothers me when I am reading a novel?…