Why You Should Start a Newsletter to Build Your Writing Platform
It’s all about little steps (and little wins!) that build your platform and community as a writer. I’ve been writing and building my online writing platform for about eight years now. I started with writing sporadic blogs on my website,…
Spending Money on Your Writing Isn’t Always a Bad Thing
Sometimes investing in yourself is worth the money I recently received a comment on one of my other articles that got me thinking. The comment mentioned how interesting it was to hear about how I spent money in my writing career, rather…
6 Self-Editing Hacks to Make Your Manuscript Shine
There’s a lot you can do to edit your book without hiring a professional editor So you’ve finally written that book you’ve been working on for what seems like your entire life. You’ve followed your outline precisely or, if you’re…
I Tested Out Paid Beta Readers So You Don’t Have To
To beta read, or not to beta read, that is the question Oh, beta readers. If you’re a writer in the midst of writing and editing a novel, you’re probably quite familiar with the term. It’s the idea that you…
An Unpopular Poetry Opinion
Poetry is not fiction, so don’t treat the two forms the same. I read a decent amount of poetry. My love for this creative form of writing started in high school and has only blossomed since my teenage years. In…
Why Not Writing is the Best Way to Ultimately Write
Sometimes taking a break from writing is the only way to actually end up writing. We all have those moments — seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks that slip by without a single word coming to mind. I’ve had stretches…
The Art of the Flashback
Flashbacks in your story can be useless, or they can be an incredible way to add characterization or further your plot. The choice is up to you. Do you know something that bothers me when I am reading a novel?…
4 Steps to Write a Novel Manuscript in 4 Months With No Plan
The key is to actually write So you’re writing a novel. Or thinking about writing a novel. Either way, you have dreams of becoming a published novelist one day and making the New York Times best-seller list (don’t we all?)…
5 Ways to Make Writing a Less Lonely Business
Writing may be an individual sport, but that doesn’t mean you can’t develop your own team to weather the industry Writing is a solitary business. If you’re like me, you’ve probably heard that adage before. Writing is, simply by nature…
Is Novel Writing Software Worth It?
As a pantser who is wholly (and woefully) unorganized, I say yes If you’ve been in the writing world for long, you’ve probably heard about the various writing software out there that is tailored specifically to writers. Long gone are the…