My Experience Receiving a Revise and Resubmit from a Big 5 Publisher
The things I learned from the process, as well as from making the edits. While I was away from Medium, I was still frantically writing like my life depended on getting words on the page. It’s virtually impossible for me to…
Why You Should Start a Newsletter to Build Your Writing Platform
It’s all about little steps (and little wins!) that build your platform and community as a writer. I’ve been writing and building my online writing platform for about eight years now. I started with writing sporadic blogs on my website,…
Spending Money on Your Writing Isn’t Always a Bad Thing
Sometimes investing in yourself is worth the money I recently received a comment on one of my other articles that got me thinking. The comment mentioned how interesting it was to hear about how I spent money in my writing career, rather…
Should You Pay to Have Your Query Letter Critiqued?
Sometimes a little investment goes a long way Oh, querying. That lovely process that is required for most writers to go from writing a book to traditionally published. That same process that, at best, consists of a love-hate relationship for…
Where to Start When Creating Your Author Website
From someone who has had too many iterations of her author website to count Back in 2016, after I attended my first writing conference, I decided to start my author website. I didn’t yet have a completed manuscript, let alone any…
How to Juggle All the Things While Building Your Author Platform
If you’re trying to make it as a freelancer, self-published author, or traditionally published author, there’s probably one thing you’ve heard about over and over again: building an author platform. The days of publishing a book with one of the…
6 Self-Editing Hacks to Make Your Manuscript Shine
There’s a lot you can do to edit your book without hiring a professional editor So you’ve finally written that book you’ve been working on for what seems like your entire life. You’ve followed your outline precisely or, if you’re…
I Tested Out Paid Beta Readers So You Don’t Have To
To beta read, or not to beta read, that is the question Oh, beta readers. If you’re a writer in the midst of writing and editing a novel, you’re probably quite familiar with the term. It’s the idea that you…
The Ins and Outs of Book Pitch Events
Is pitching your novel — online or in-person — a worthwhile endeavor? If you’ve written a novel, you’re probably familiar with something that all writers dread: the pitch. Summing up a novel you’ve spent countless hours revising, proofreading, and developing…
Why Not Writing is the Best Way to Ultimately Write
Sometimes taking a break from writing is the only way to actually end up writing. We all have those moments — seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks that slip by without a single word coming to mind. I’ve had stretches…